- Danby Castle, Jury Room
Well what a time to start blogging! Let me introduce myself, I'm Stuart and as you can see my business is photography.
I have decided to start bloggin' as I have just set up Discovery Photography and would like to document my progress, I would also like to share some of the antics that I get up to.
This week has been strange so far, I have Alex with me, a work experience guy from Whitby Community College. I have had to cancel the first day due to hay fever on my behalf! However the action packed week for him was about to start.
Today we have teamed up with Fairy Godmothers, bridal shop of Whitby. They too have a work experience student and needed something a little different to do. Having arranged a bridal shoot at Danby Castle we set off with a car and trailer full of people, well actually the car was full of people and the trailer was full of wedding dresses!
Several things you need to know about today, firstly Sam was there. Sam is a very cheeky outgoing young lady (to be polite). Great fun to work with will do anything to look good in front of the camera. Secondly the boys where out numbered 4 to 2 and finally the temperature was in excess of 29 degrees. All made for a good day’s fun and frolics, sorry work! Danby castle is nestled in the North Yorkshire Moors sheltered from the sea breeze and just the right angle to catch some wrays and top up that sunburn. Red is such a fetching colour!
So once we had finally arrived ready for the shoot, everything was unpacked and Alex and myself established our little area for the equipment and the girls established a room for changing and whatever girls do... some cheeky comments about the size of the key hole, which was actually where the handle should have been, lets put it this way you could fit your hand through it, good job we are all friends!
While the girls where taking ages to get ready as girls do, I decided to pinch a dress and hang it in one of the bedrooms, thinking I didn't have a model to go in it, might as well be doing something productive. After playing about with it in the bedroom........ Nothing involving me wearing it I may add and a few set up shots later, the girls finally emerged from their boudoir ready for their shoot.
The tone of the day was set, as usual, by Sam making a comment about her bosom and dress been too large for her, couple of bull dog clips later and finally we could take our first shot. Remarkable it was exactly where Sam had spent most of the morning, sat on her backside on red leather sofa.
By this time the heat was really starting to build up and things where getting a bit on the sweaty side. You can always tell what the shoot is going to go like, simply from the first shot!
Has the day progressed we had fly’s flying up Sam’s dress, animal poo on Sam’s shoe, a hair clip disappearing into the oblivion known as Sam’s cleavage, comments about the quality of the brickwork and it being spoilt by the model standing in front of it . This is an ongoing comment starting from a previous shoot with Sam where the redness of the brick seemed to out shine Sam!
The day lingered on and finally finished with Sam been chased by the chickens, until she got changed out of the dress that is when she reac havoc, chasing the chickens all over - the clucks could be heard echoing around the castle.
Home time and a sigh of relief, hopefully some good shots to edit.
P.S. I should really say thanks to India (the other model), Kim (one half of fairy godmothers) and Kelsey (Whitby community college) all which played their own individual part to make the shoot what it was.