Sunday, 8 November 2009

My first wedding blog from Whitby.

This is my first wedding blog, although I have done weddings all year, my blog site is still relatively new. Amy & Jay

As everyone knows a wedding is a special day for the bride and groom, where the bride looks a million dollars and the groom is nervous. Well today was no different, Amy looked more than a million dollars and although Jay didn’t let on, you could tell he was a little nervous. 

Amy had some specific locations she wanted shots taking in Whitby, and why not the place is so photogenic. This is a difficult one for me, do I try to copy every other wedding photographer in the area or try to do something different…. you know me why copy? so as we left west cliff we called at the Whale bones, Captain cooks Statue, The bandstand, the pier, 199 steps, east beach and the shambles market place. This scared me a little as the morning forecast was rain from around 1 o’clock perfect timing for the wedding. The walk was also interesting..... lots of people watching. Amy & Jay

However the gods where smiling on us and as we finished the group shot in the market square it started spitting! 

Just in time for the buffet. 

I really enjoyed the day and I wish Amy and Jay the very best in the future.