Sunday, 6 December 2009

Part two of Liz's shoot .. Gaby this time.

Part two of Liz’s shoots saw Gaby arrive a little nervous. She had her done her own make up and was a little anxious about the whole thing. 

She had nothing to worry about, although she is only 13 she has the making of a great model, she listened to instruction and carried everything out as she was told. Gaby.

I think she was been a little modest when I was told she didn’t like having her picture taken.

First shoot of two on yet another Sunday.

I really enjoy my work and it’s a good job too, this is the third Sunday in a row I have worked totalling three full weeks of 7 days. I have also been very busy and trying to get on top of editing, paperwork and yep tonight blogs. Thompson kids!

Today was no different I had a shoot on Saltburn beach with a family from Northallerton who had booked me. 

I met with Martin and his kid on the seafront in Saltburn, ready for the shoot, we had just missed a huge rain shower and the light was just starting to improve. 

We spent an hour shooting different poses and using the environment to its fullest. I just hope they like the outcome.

One of three shoots.......

This shoot was one of three, I bumped into Liz at the moors centre in Danby and she booked me for two kid shoots and one for her and her sis. Owen

The first was with Owen, yet another cool young kid, he was very animated with his facial expressions. This meant some really cool images. He even started suggesting poses and different ideas like putting his tie over his shoulder! Owen

That kids gonna be a model some day!

Old school Friends

Its funny how photography has been used as a media to reconnect with old friends, first it was Cashel now Jill.

Facebook has a lot to answer for too, Jill had had a shoot down with another studio in Middlesbrough a few years back and when she heard I had opened up in Saltburn she jumped at the chance to book a shoot.

We spent an hour or so in the studio and she really enjoyed and like what we got. Always good when that happenes!

Sam & family

Another family shoot and yet another cool family to work with. This time it was with Sam, a model I have just started working with. She brought her children and partner along for a shoot for Christmas.


The kids where fantastic and a great laugh to work with. Sam looked stunning in true model fashion and her partner looked very trendy… listen to me I sound like I’m about 100! ( I’m not 31 to be exact! – just in case you wondered)

The chocolate biscuits worked a treat and the smile kept coming!

Cheryl and families

Its been a while since I had my studio in Whitby, but occasionally I still doe shoots for clients over there. Especially around the Christmas time. Today saw Cheryl and her family come over from Whitby to the studio for a shoot.

I do find it difficult to photograph so many people in the studio, especially when I work along on a shoot. Trying to make sure everyone is in postion and looking at the camera.

After an hour or so of shooting I feel we managed to fulfil a good family shoot.

Jill & Kids!

Another client I have worked with recently is Jill and her family, she is a friend of Sue’s (Be All You Can).

Her and her family where another client I really enjoyed working with, they where open to try new stuff and surprisingly relaxed in front of the camera.

In fact I think this has been one of the most fun shoots I have done.  It was just unfortunate that we only had an hour to work with them, which happens so offen when your doing christmas shoots.

Cashel & Cashel

I have know Cashel since senior school and through Facebook got back in touch. He asked if I could arrange a shoot with his son who was also called Cashel.

After spending only half an hour with them the images where don, is noce to have a clients who are relaxed and have a laugh it defiantly shows through the image.

A busy day.

Been a while since I blogged, just cos I have been so busy. However the following few blogs may be slightly out of chronological order.

Today was a long day the plan was to do a Time For Prints shoot with Kirsty first. I had seen a shoot with a chainsaw on the music video and decided I would see how it came out. This gave a perfect opportunity to do a shoot in the basement and due to the two wood burners we have there was a plentiful supply of wood. kirsty

My second shoot of the day was with a new model called Sam, and this was our first shoot together. She is a lovely young lady and we did some studio shots. The first shoot is also a difficult one because, especially if its the first time you have met, there’s the whole tension thing about how each other reacts and works. The second the third shoots are much more relaxed. SamMy third shoot was with a fantastically cute young girl called mini or min-min. You have got to admit she is cute? Its been a while since I had taken a dog in the studio, if my memory serves me correctly it was a labradoodle! Min

 And finally a shoot with kay, which unfortunately these images are for portfolio use only and have cause a great deal of controversy amongst the critics that have seen them. Therefore I aren’t going to publish them.(yet!)