Sunday, 6 December 2009

Part two of Liz's shoot .. Gaby this time.

Part two of Liz’s shoots saw Gaby arrive a little nervous. She had her done her own make up and was a little anxious about the whole thing. 

She had nothing to worry about, although she is only 13 she has the making of a great model, she listened to instruction and carried everything out as she was told. Gaby.

I think she was been a little modest when I was told she didn’t like having her picture taken.

First shoot of two on yet another Sunday.

I really enjoy my work and it’s a good job too, this is the third Sunday in a row I have worked totalling three full weeks of 7 days. I have also been very busy and trying to get on top of editing, paperwork and yep tonight blogs. Thompson kids!

Today was no different I had a shoot on Saltburn beach with a family from Northallerton who had booked me. 

I met with Martin and his kid on the seafront in Saltburn, ready for the shoot, we had just missed a huge rain shower and the light was just starting to improve. 

We spent an hour shooting different poses and using the environment to its fullest. I just hope they like the outcome.

One of three shoots.......

This shoot was one of three, I bumped into Liz at the moors centre in Danby and she booked me for two kid shoots and one for her and her sis. Owen

The first was with Owen, yet another cool young kid, he was very animated with his facial expressions. This meant some really cool images. He even started suggesting poses and different ideas like putting his tie over his shoulder! Owen

That kids gonna be a model some day!

Old school Friends

Its funny how photography has been used as a media to reconnect with old friends, first it was Cashel now Jill.

Facebook has a lot to answer for too, Jill had had a shoot down with another studio in Middlesbrough a few years back and when she heard I had opened up in Saltburn she jumped at the chance to book a shoot.

We spent an hour or so in the studio and she really enjoyed and like what we got. Always good when that happenes!

Sam & family

Another family shoot and yet another cool family to work with. This time it was with Sam, a model I have just started working with. She brought her children and partner along for a shoot for Christmas.


The kids where fantastic and a great laugh to work with. Sam looked stunning in true model fashion and her partner looked very trendy… listen to me I sound like I’m about 100! ( I’m not 31 to be exact! – just in case you wondered)

The chocolate biscuits worked a treat and the smile kept coming!

Cheryl and families

Its been a while since I had my studio in Whitby, but occasionally I still doe shoots for clients over there. Especially around the Christmas time. Today saw Cheryl and her family come over from Whitby to the studio for a shoot.

I do find it difficult to photograph so many people in the studio, especially when I work along on a shoot. Trying to make sure everyone is in postion and looking at the camera.

After an hour or so of shooting I feel we managed to fulfil a good family shoot.

Jill & Kids!

Another client I have worked with recently is Jill and her family, she is a friend of Sue’s (Be All You Can).

Her and her family where another client I really enjoyed working with, they where open to try new stuff and surprisingly relaxed in front of the camera.

In fact I think this has been one of the most fun shoots I have done.  It was just unfortunate that we only had an hour to work with them, which happens so offen when your doing christmas shoots.

Cashel & Cashel

I have know Cashel since senior school and through Facebook got back in touch. He asked if I could arrange a shoot with his son who was also called Cashel.

After spending only half an hour with them the images where don, is noce to have a clients who are relaxed and have a laugh it defiantly shows through the image.

A busy day.

Been a while since I blogged, just cos I have been so busy. However the following few blogs may be slightly out of chronological order.

Today was a long day the plan was to do a Time For Prints shoot with Kirsty first. I had seen a shoot with a chainsaw on the music video and decided I would see how it came out. This gave a perfect opportunity to do a shoot in the basement and due to the two wood burners we have there was a plentiful supply of wood. kirsty

My second shoot of the day was with a new model called Sam, and this was our first shoot together. She is a lovely young lady and we did some studio shots. The first shoot is also a difficult one because, especially if its the first time you have met, there’s the whole tension thing about how each other reacts and works. The second the third shoots are much more relaxed. SamMy third shoot was with a fantastically cute young girl called mini or min-min. You have got to admit she is cute? Its been a while since I had taken a dog in the studio, if my memory serves me correctly it was a labradoodle! Min

 And finally a shoot with kay, which unfortunately these images are for portfolio use only and have cause a great deal of controversy amongst the critics that have seen them. Therefore I aren’t going to publish them.(yet!)

Sunday, 8 November 2009

My first wedding blog from Whitby.

This is my first wedding blog, although I have done weddings all year, my blog site is still relatively new. Amy & Jay

As everyone knows a wedding is a special day for the bride and groom, where the bride looks a million dollars and the groom is nervous. Well today was no different, Amy looked more than a million dollars and although Jay didn’t let on, you could tell he was a little nervous. 

Amy had some specific locations she wanted shots taking in Whitby, and why not the place is so photogenic. This is a difficult one for me, do I try to copy every other wedding photographer in the area or try to do something different…. you know me why copy? so as we left west cliff we called at the Whale bones, Captain cooks Statue, The bandstand, the pier, 199 steps, east beach and the shambles market place. This scared me a little as the morning forecast was rain from around 1 o’clock perfect timing for the wedding. The walk was also interesting..... lots of people watching. Amy & Jay

However the gods where smiling on us and as we finished the group shot in the market square it started spitting! 

Just in time for the buffet. 

I really enjoyed the day and I wish Amy and Jay the very best in the future.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Kirsty & Matt

I have worked with Kirsty on previous occasions and she is in fact my half cousin. She booked me for a shoot with her partner Matt, I can’t say the reason just in case any of her family or friends are reading this………..

Kirsty & Matty

After a quick cuppa we started shooting, I wanted to do some new poses and try to get them to show some attitude. It was good practice for Kirsty as she is an aspiring model.

Kirsty & Matty

It really did me good, I’d had a bad day to that point and to do a shoot with two fun people really set me up for the day So thanks guys!

Friday, 2 October 2009

Kirsty @ Skinningrove

Bright and Breezy!After the epic Angelic Bulldog shoot the other Saturday I made some fantastic new friends one of which is actually my half cousin. This I may hear you say “you should know her anyway she’s your cousin”. Well you would have thought that but no! I had chatted on Facebook to her but never actually met her until that Saturday. Kirsty really enjoyed the other day and felt she wanted to try her hand at some more modelling work. I suggested another shoot at some point, hence yesterday. We met up with Cashel who also did some modelling for the Angelic Bulldog. He was there just to catch up with both of us. The crisp autumn morning was the first for this year; the sea breeze was fresh and chilly to say the least. I thought Kirsty would have brought a little more clothing than a simple top! An hour or so of shooting was enough; I could hardly feel my hands.


One think that Cash never click onto is that I took some of him too … see what you think?Cash

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Charlie Don't Surf

Different shoot today, a commercial shoot for Charlie Don’t Surf of Saltburn. Harry runs a kite shop and his also a personal trainer with a gym next door. Jane also works as a personal trainer at the Gym; she too came along for the shoot. Harry had suggested he wanted some low light body forms of Jane and himself, to be used as commercial shots on their website .

 Whilst Jane and Harry readied themselves, Dave and I experimented with the light to get just the right amount on the subject. This lead to some interesting image of which I’m sure Dave is going to be angry at…. But it all in the name of art. We spent a good few hours shooting different poses and different levels of clothing. And I think the responses came out just right

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Angelic Bulldog photo shoot part 2.

The second part to the Angelic Bulldog photoshoot I did. This time we have hit the big time and thanks to spending a full day of editing our friend Adam Steele of New Breed Films, Saltburn finally got the video ready for you all to view. To make this post complete i need to show you the final images from the day too...

Also I need to thank some poeple for the day. So here goes - thanks too...... BHive business centre for use of their building, Jemma,Sian,Kirsty,Kay,Cashel,Rachel,Carla and Holly for been terrific models, Keith for bringing the girls up from West Yorks, Paul, Steve and Kevin for use of their bikes, Sue and Bernie from BE All You Can for the catering and finally Adam for spending his Saturday editing the video.


All In all the best and biggest shoot i've ever been involved in and i bet it isn't the last...... Hope you enjoy the video.

Sunday, 30 August 2009

Carla, Chloe and Sandy!

Today I have been working with three new models, I hate this situation, its worse than a first date. Everyone feels all fingers and toes, and no one seems to know what anyone is doing.


Don’t get me wrong you will always get some usable portfolio shots, but the second then the third and fourth time you shoot with a model goes so much better.


However as there was also three models, I usually only work with two max, we rotated almost on a ticket basis with me shouting “NEXT” every few shots. All three have some wonderful potential and I’m sure our future working together will be just fine.

Chloe  Carla

Not much to blog really it was a quick shoot, in and out in a couple of hours snapping…. Some example so see what you think? Until the next time…..

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

South Gare portfolio shoot 3rd August 2009

Well here we go again another portfolio shoot with Sam. This time I decided to mix things up a little, it was a lovely summers evening, so why stop inside?

 South Gare it is then.

 From the point of view of photography it is a wonderful place, full of character and ruggedness. Sam was a little apprehensive and bored by my running commentary of the steel work and the beaches… the wildlife….. the Ian Macdonald shots……….. the world war 2 gun emplacements. However once we got to Paddy’s hole things started to ease as out came the camera and flash. Strange I have been using a flash for years now yet this was the first time I have used it to shoot out on location. Anyhow it was lucky I did because although it had been a wonderful day the sun dropped behind a huge cloud and there endeth the light!

 Sam I think felt quite self conscious as there was three rough fishermen in one of the huts which we where sure where talking bout what we where doing, and this didn’t get the emotion I wanted in the images. Hence forth we moved further round, Sam did a quick change in the back of the car and then she settled down.

We moved to the dunes and I’m sure everyone was looking at what we where getting up to in the long grass!! But the final images look very striking!! And it was well worth the time and effort to get there – thank you Sam!


Monday, 13 July 2009

Rigwood Wedding Shoot 2nd July 2009

Rigwood House - Saltburn

Another sunny day, same models, different dresses and a different venue. Rigwood house is quite possibly one of the most versatile venues I have worked with. So much so we moved the business there.

Discovery Photography

 Based just outside Saltburn on the east coast, the sea breeze just reaches far enough up the valley. Which is a good job given the sunny weather, which gave us a start in the garden. India was the first model, Alex and I worked with and choosing a tree with a nice beam of sunlight on it we started. The only thought I had was that of maid Marion from Robin Hood as I looked through the viewfinder. Strange really as Maid Marion was quite obviously never dressed as a bride… from what I can remember. This particular shot was very hard to light. You had the strong sunlight coming through the trees and the darkness of the shade, this aside the results spoke for themselves.

There was the usual witty banter from Sam who was sat in a wedding dress with the largest pair of sunglasses on I have ever seen. It certainly gave the painter and decorators a good laugh anyway. Has we tried several locations in and around the house, it was time for lunch. A quick change and trip into Saltburn for a well earned rest. The small café was running a little behind with its orders so it soon became an extended lunch break. An ice cream and walk to the beach later we set off back to Rigwood to carry on shooting.

Has the day grew on the heat and the strain was starting to show on the Sam and India, so much so that Sam fell asleep on the sofa in full wedding dress. I think this gave it time to call it a day!

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Danby Castle, Jury Room

Well what a time to start blogging! Let me introduce myself, I'm Stuart and as you can see my business is photography.

I have decided to start bloggin' as I have just set up Discovery Photography and would like to document my progress, I would also like to share some of the antics that I get up to.

This week has been strange so far, I have Alex with me, a work experience guy from Whitby Community College. I have had to cancel the first day due to hay fever on my behalf! However the action packed week for him was about to start.

Today we have teamed up with Fairy Godmothers, bridal shop of Whitby. They too have a work experience student and needed something a little different to do. Having arranged a bridal shoot at Danby Castle we set off with a car and trailer full of people, well actually the car was full of people and the trailer was full of wedding dresses!

Several things you need to know about today, firstly Sam was there. Sam is a very cheeky outgoing young lady (to be polite). Great fun to work with will do anything to look good in front of the camera. Secondly the boys where out numbered 4 to 2 and finally the temperature was in excess of 29 degrees. All made for a good day’s fun and frolics, sorry work! Danby castle is nestled in the North Yorkshire Moors sheltered from the sea breeze and just the right angle to catch some wrays and top up that sunburn. Red is such a fetching colour!

So once we had finally arrived ready for the shoot, everything was unpacked and Alex and myself established our little area for the equipment and the girls established a room for changing and whatever girls do... some cheeky comments about the size of the key hole, which was actually where the handle should have been, lets put it this way you could fit your hand through it, good job we are all friends!

While the girls where taking ages to get ready as girls do, I decided to pinch a dress and hang it in one of the bedrooms, thinking I didn't have a model to go in it, might as well be doing something productive. After playing about with it in the bedroom........ Nothing involving me wearing it I may add and a few set up shots later, the girls finally emerged from their boudoir ready for their shoot.

The tone of the day was set, as usual, by Sam making a comment about her bosom and dress been too large for her, couple of bull dog clips later and finally we could take our first shot. Remarkable it was exactly where Sam had spent most of the morning, sat on her backside on red leather sofa.

By this time the heat was really starting to build up and things where getting a bit on the sweaty side. You can always tell what the shoot is going to go like, simply from the first shot!

Has the day progressed we had fly’s flying up Sam’s dress,  animal  poo on Sam’s shoe, a hair clip disappearing into the oblivion known as Sam’s cleavage, comments about the quality of the brickwork and it being spoilt by the model standing in front of it . This is an ongoing comment starting from a previous shoot with Sam where the redness of the brick seemed to out shine Sam!

The day lingered on and finally finished with Sam been chased by the chickens, until she got changed out of the dress that is when she reac havoc, chasing the chickens all over - the clucks could be heard echoing around the castle.

Home time and a sigh of relief, hopefully some good shots to edit.

P.S. I should really say thanks to India (the other model), Kim (one half of fairy godmothers) and Kelsey (Whitby community college) all which played their own individual part to make the shoot what it was.