Sunday, 30 August 2009

Carla, Chloe and Sandy!

Today I have been working with three new models, I hate this situation, its worse than a first date. Everyone feels all fingers and toes, and no one seems to know what anyone is doing.


Don’t get me wrong you will always get some usable portfolio shots, but the second then the third and fourth time you shoot with a model goes so much better.


However as there was also three models, I usually only work with two max, we rotated almost on a ticket basis with me shouting “NEXT” every few shots. All three have some wonderful potential and I’m sure our future working together will be just fine.

Chloe  Carla

Not much to blog really it was a quick shoot, in and out in a couple of hours snapping…. Some example so see what you think? Until the next time…..

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