Well here we go again another portfolio shoot with Sam. This time I decided to mix things up a little, it was a lovely summers evening, so why stop inside?
South Gare it is then.
From the point of view of photography it is a wonderful place, full of character and ruggedness. Sam was a little apprehensive and bored by my running commentary of the steel work and the beaches… the wildlife….. the Ian Macdonald shots……….. the world war 2 gun emplacements. However once we got to Paddy’s hole things started to ease as out came the camera and flash. Strange I have been using a flash for years now yet this was the first time I have used it to shoot out on location. Anyhow it was lucky I did because although it had been a wonderful day the sun dropped behind a huge cloud and there endeth the light!
Sam I think felt quite self conscious as there was three rough fishermen in one of the huts which we where sure where talking bout what we where doing, and this didn’t get the emotion I wanted in the images. Hence forth we moved further round, Sam did a quick change in the back of the car and then she settled down.
We moved to the dunes and I’m sure everyone was looking at what we where getting up to in the long grass!! But the final images look very striking!! And it was well worth the time and effort to get there – thank you Sam!