Monday, 22 August 2011

Charlotte at discovery photography studios, redcar

Charlotte approached us, as she was just starting out with her modelling career. Having worked with lots of models throughout our career its always nice to work with a new face.

Whilst Charlotte was filling her model release form out, something we get everyone we work with to fill out, we chatted about the do’s and don’ts of working with photographers. We have heard so many horror stories along the line from various models and clients its always nice to share with new models so they can be aware…


Having the formalities out of the way we got on with the shoot, we worked for a couple of hours, using different backgrounds and different outfits with input and ideas from both Kirsty and Sarah,Charlottesfriend she brought along.


At the end,Charlottefound it very hard to actually choose the ones she likes, there where too many, we had quoted her just for ten images. It took quite a while to narrow the choice down to the ten final edits.


Both me and Kirsty Wish Charlotte every luck in the future and it was a pleasure to work with her.

Jonathan & Shelly at St Cuthberts church, Marton

Jonathan and shelly’s special day was booked at St Cuthberts Church, Marton. A very quaint little church for its

surroundings.  Shelly arrived in a big old car from a touch of classic cars. It was nice to work with Tony from a touch of classic cars too, I have worked on and off with him for the past three years, but its always nice to see a friendly face.

I arrived a little early and had to stop myself from taking some pic of the collared doves sat on the gravestones around the church. Given my wildlife side of my profession.

Soon into my flow and capturing the guests as they arrived and its really nice to be able to take images through the cereomeny, something we can't always do.

We did the group shots back at the Sporting lodge where the tables where set for a magical night.

Shelly and Jonathan looked very smart and really deserved a really lovely day.

Michael & Sharon at Hardwick Hall, Sedgefield.

We knew this wedding was going to a fun one, the pre wedding shoot we did with Michael and Sharon was enough to set the scene.





The venue was fantastic and really made the day, giving us plenty of chance to get those cheeky shots ;) especially as the guests seemed to be up for anything too. The six hours we where booked for seemed to pass in an instant.


The chance to produce something a little different was well appreciated, hence the we got chance to try some camera trickery…….. although I think Michael already knows his place………… :)




Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Jonathan & Dawn - Gisborough Hall

First wedding of three this week, Jonathan and Dawn where the first to book us when we moved studio toRedcarhigh street, way back in September.

Rainy days aren’t always the best for


a wedding but someone must have been smiling on these two, once the ceremony had finished in St Nichols church the sun shone enough to visit Guisborough historic priory for some images before heading to Gisborough Hall for the reception and family photos.



As if it was timed perfect we had managed to get all the family images and some of the happy couple just before the heavens opened again…… this is meant to be August right?

A first for us was the bouncy castle, something we had never had chance to cover at other weddings and if anyone is thinking of planning their wedding GET A BOUNCY CASTLE… how much fun did the kids have and yes of course we managed to persuade Jonathan and Dawn to have a go to, not the easiest things to do in a wedding dress………. You can’t tell me they didn’t enjoy it :)