Monday, 22 August 2011

Charlotte at discovery photography studios, redcar

Charlotte approached us, as she was just starting out with her modelling career. Having worked with lots of models throughout our career its always nice to work with a new face.

Whilst Charlotte was filling her model release form out, something we get everyone we work with to fill out, we chatted about the do’s and don’ts of working with photographers. We have heard so many horror stories along the line from various models and clients its always nice to share with new models so they can be aware…


Having the formalities out of the way we got on with the shoot, we worked for a couple of hours, using different backgrounds and different outfits with input and ideas from both Kirsty and Sarah,Charlottesfriend she brought along.


At the end,Charlottefound it very hard to actually choose the ones she likes, there where too many, we had quoted her just for ten images. It took quite a while to narrow the choice down to the ten final edits.


Both me and Kirsty Wish Charlotte every luck in the future and it was a pleasure to work with her.

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